Friday, September 23, 2011

A Humble Day

The next day off to the races. I was bound and determined to see everything. I didn’t want to leave out anything. Gary absolutely hates it when I get this way. So first St. Chappell. I finally got an advantage (not like I didn’t need it) to have someone feel sorry for me with my cane. They allowed me to go beyond the line and walk right in. SCORE.

After really reading about St. Chappell, that was amazing, it was absolutely gorgeous. Gary took some blurred pictures but this was my favorite, am I not the angel of everyone’s life.

I got my wings that day. I think I deserve them.

Off with the Hutchback of Nortre Dam. I just sat there in the chapel while Gary ran around taking pictures. This big clap of thunder hit over the Chapel and I wasn’t sure if God was warning us both or just telling us “yeah I’m here and don’t forget it.” As we left the roads were all wet but skies were clear.

Off to the D’Orsay. Now my HR at work told me to have lunch there, believe me by the time I got through some of the museum, I was way happy for lunch, but yet again another line. I only wished we had taken pictures, because it was the absolute funniest salad I had ever had, but the absolute best.

Off a walk across the Seine with a few gypsies trying to trick us and of course we had to stop and hug each other on the bridge of love. The locks are individual’s luggage locks, locking their love to each other forever. I tried to get Gary to do that, but to no avail.

Off to the Louve. We were highly suggested to Napolean’s Apartments and I was so happy we did. Even though the Palace of Versailles was big, I believe these were way more ornate than that, I know it is hard to believe.

This was my favorite piece of the entire trip. The desk totally folds into one round table. I loved it.

This was my second favorite piece, it was made of crystals.

After that I said to Gary, “honey I saw what I came to see, let’s go.” He said I didn’t fly across the world not to see the Mona Lisa. I hope he was happy with her when he was done.

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