Friday, April 25, 2008

Put down your guns!

We say goodbye to our friends Lee and Karen and if I haven’t said it enough to them verbally, let me tell them it was great, for all of the planning, their physical effort of being with us for the last five days and just their very gracious mid-west hospitality. Of course Lee sends us off with another written itinerary for us to follow through Deadwood. I don’t know what Lee was thinking, without him the itinerary flew out the window.

We didn’t get two feet from the hotel when Pam unfortunately felt she needed to see a doctor, too much Jewel Cave I guess. So off to an instant care facility for two hours. We didn’t mind, we would have rathered Pam felt better than us just seeing another mountain or museum.

I always have to see a cemetery on my trips so definitely Wild Bill Hickock and Calamity Jane’s graves. We wandered the cemetery for about an hour, I think I got my fill.

Down to Adams House Museum. I would recommend visiting this house to anyone but beware of ghosts.

Once we were in downtown Deadwood, we totally lost Opal’s attention, she found the casinos. We wandered into the saloon that Wild Bill was killed in and had a drink to him and us.

Between trying to keep up with Opal’s bad habit and Pam’s bad habit of shopping we finally realized once the weather turned cold and wet, it was time to leave.

Where are all the bikers. Sturges just isn’t the same without all the wild and crazy bikers.

Another stop to an old friend, Sonya and her husband Glen. Sonya lived close to us at one time and decided that when they retired they would move to South Dakota and raise sheep. I didn’t understand then the intrigue, now I kind of do. You really appreciate things in person. Personally wandering around 200 bahhhhhing sheep, to milking goats. I can’t think of anything I would rather do when I retire than raise sheep, NOT. I have to admit for Sonya and Glen they never looked better and their sheep ranch was very gorgeous.

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